



NextGen Discipleship Roundtable

Enhance Your Ministry's Impact Join our roundtable events designed to deepen your ministry’s impact. Our Discipleship Discussion roundtables are focused on both kids and youth ministry and provide a forum for you and your team to engage with the latest research in faith formation, discover best practices, and collaborate on strategies to disciple the next generation.




BGMC Conference

Join us for an unforgettable day at the BGMC Conference on October 19th at Calvary Church, Springfield, IL! This statewide event is packed with excitement for your entire Kid's Ministry. Experience dynamic worship with Nexus, dive into interactive workshops, and meet real-life missionaries who will inspire your students to be ALL IN for missions. Pastor David Alexieff, our National BGMC Director, will be there to challenge and encourage your kids. Plus, don’t miss out on exclusive Illinois KidMin merch, a BGMC card trading post, and big announcements! The event runs from 10 AM to 4 PM, with on-site registration starting at 9 AM. For just $25 per person, including lunch, your kids will have a blast while making a global impact. Stay tuned for registration details and more exciting updates. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Registration now open!





Momentum Conference

Dynamic speakers, high-energy music, powerful worship, and inspirational workshops...don't miss our annual Momentum Conference! Registration now open!

Here to Serve our Illinois Student Ministries Family

In a world all about "me", we are all about “we”. Together we can reach the state of Illinois children and youth with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

Chris & Christina Stanley

Student Ministries Directors

Lauren Deese

Office & Communication Coordinator

Travis Wilson

Event Coordinator

Gen Tindall

Data Integration & Graphics Coordinator

Video Resources

Browse our video resources below.